Jul's Wellness Journal

My path to increased wellness through regular exercise and controlled food intake.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Woohoo stepped on the same scale today and it said I have lost 3 lbs yay!!

So: starting over weight 181 lbs

Weight as of today: 178 lbs wooohoo!

Ugh achy. I have cheated a bit the last few days, not too bad though. I weighed myself a few days early, yesterday, and I gained a pound according to the scale I always use as the grocery store. Which doesn't mean anything. I have to say I feel a lot better though. The reason I'm so achy today is I swam 5 laps in the pool yesterday then came home and did 3 miles of WATP Express. My shoulders and stomach muscles feel more tense probably from the swimming so I think I'll keep doing that when possible but also keep up with WATP when I can't swim - like today when its raining. I really want to tone up mostly so going to try to exercise everyday in some way. Best go and eat my breakfast bar before work and drink my water.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Today...first day at motel since starting diet challenge

Put on bathing suit and notices that my tummy looked flatter, my legs look a bit more defined but still flabby at the top of thighs and back. I also noticed my face looks like its slimmed down a bit and my arms look more defined. So should be a good result at weigh-in on Weds morning.

BF: breakfast bar
16.9 oz of water

Another 16.9 oz of water

Lunch: An apple
another bottle of water

Yet another b of w

Cheat: One Oreo cookie

Snack: 4 buffalo wings

3 Diet Cokes - so I know if they're there I will drink them

More water...

Dinner: One Nathan's hotdog, bit of mustard and hot dog bun.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Ah so I skipped yesterday (will post date this for Friday), shall try to remember what I ate...

BF: 1 breakfast bar - the icky apple cereal kind

Lunch: Lite Caesar salad
2 cups salad
about 6 crutons
about 2 tbsps of lite caesar dressing

Water in between - at least 4 bottles overall 16.9 oz each

Snack: had a few torilla scoop chips

Dinner: quesadilla with 1/4 cup of cheese but was bad with the montery jack queso dip instead of salsa.

Cheat: 4 pieces of chocolate (Hershey's Pot of Gold chocolates)

Exercise: 3 Miles WATP Express

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Day 3 of Diet Challenge

I feel good today, figured out that I'm never very hungry and when I am I get filled up easily if I have something small. So bascially I over eat crap just because its there or I'm bored. Saw 'Super Size Me' a few weeks ago and the guy was talking about how after 3 days your body readjusts to your eating if you change it. I had bad cravings the last 2 days but not so much today.

Saying that I did have a peanut butter cookie, they had them left over from a meeting at work. But it was really good and I ate it very slow...besides its was wedding research as they were made by a local catering company...very good, will have to keep their card.

So here's what I've had today:

Breakfast: 1 breakfast bar

About 8 oz of water

Another 8 oz later in the day

Lunch: apple and grapes

20 oz of water at a press conference

Bad Snack: said peanut butter cookie

A Diet Coke

Dinner: Quesdilla with same ingredients

Drinking more water now...from the tap as I've run out of bottled and I hate tap water so I need to get more!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Weighed myself today, not as bad as I thought - 181 lbs. Going to try to lose 20 lbs in 2 months!

Eating so far today

1 Breakfast bar
16.9 oz of Water

Now on 2nd 16.9oz water.

After that....

Another 16.9 oz bottle of water.

Lunch: An apple, about 1/4 low fat yogurt (don't really like the stuff), and some grapes.

Another 16.9 oz bottle of water...

Snack: 3 Perogies - 2 tbsp sour cream

More Water...

Dinner: 1 Quesdilla - same ingredients as before.

Exercise: 3 Miles WATP Express.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Back on the wagon for good this time, going to start keeping a log of everything I eat in an attempt to not eat crap:

Today so far:

Morning Start Breakfast Bar
16.9 oz of Water

Later on:

Total another 3 - 16.9 oz of water.

6 Strawberries
1 La Creme Yogurt

About 15 more strawberries


1 Quesdilla
1/4 cup of grated cheese
1/2 cup of salsa
2 Tortilla shells
2 tablespoons of sour cream