Jul's Wellness Journal

My path to increased wellness through regular exercise and controlled food intake.

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Location: United States

Friday, October 07, 2005

And here we go again...

Ok so I lost 8 lbs...and then my world came crashing down on me and for the first time I actually LOST my APPEITITE. That's never happened to me before, but then again a lot of stuff hasn't that's been going on lately. So my hovering around 177-180. All I have to really make sure of is that I don't look like a big fat blob in my wedding dress...and that said wedding dress can zip up. Therefore, I want to get down to at least 170 but then. I was 174 when I last tried on my dress and it fit good so I'm thinking my goal to lose that 8-10 lbs again isn't too bad. It only took me like 2 months before. We'll see what happens though. Life's too short to worry about 10-15 lbs though that's for sure!


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