Jul's Wellness Journal

My path to increased wellness through regular exercise and controlled food intake.

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Location: United States

Thursday, August 21, 2003


11:30am - 1.5 cups of caesar salad (net carbs: 7 grams, calories 150)


12pm - 12:30pm: Walk Away the Pounds for Abs 3 Mile Walk (only did 2 miles though)


three celery sticks - (net carbs: about 2 grams, calories 15)

Yesterday is not going to count, as I cheated a bit. I ended up feeling dizzy because I hadn't had time to eat before going out with my mom so she got me Wendy's chili which the Wendy's website says has 23 grams of carbs but doesn't mention fiber so it might be less. Then for dinner we ended up going to a 50's style diner and I had a vanilla milkshake - it was like heaven! I dunno how much longer I'll stay on the Atkins diet - I'm having trouble getting up in the morning and am feeling dizzy lately grrrr. Will see how it goes until Monday.


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